A Celebration of Books,
Writers & LIterary Excellence

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Book Festival

May 18, 2024

10am – 6pm

Bohrer Park

Sick of Watering Dead Flowers

By: Daniela Parra-Torres

Richard Montgomery High School

Grade: 12

Montgomery County, MD

This town is making me sick.
I’m sick of the sun waking me up before my alarm
Sick of caking my face so I can look “pretty”,
So that I can be treated with a little more respect.

Today is such a cruel day.
Tomorrow I’ll be free,
Tommorow I can leave.

Tomorrow I’ll be set free of this barbed cage,
I will no longer have to take small breaths to prevent getting cut,
I will fully fill my lungs of the air I’ve been so deprived of,
And learn to use my legs again, maybe even run.

Tomorrow I’ll feel warm,
Be embraced with love instead of pity,
I’ll spill my soul and be understood,
Warmth will come from my heart and not a jacket.

Tomorrow I’ll run through blooming meadows,
Be free of the leash on the pole I was once comforted by,
I can laugh out of joy instead of to please
Wear my being inside out with no knowledge of consequence,

Tomorrow I’ll jump up and down,
It will give me more energy than take out,
Because those around me give me life,
And don’t make me conform to superficiality.

Tommorow I’ll leave a withering garden,
I’ll take the roots of the plants that were the kindest to me,
And carry them in my pocket always,
They are part of me.

Tomorrow promises me a new beginning,
And unbounded one.
Because today, I am so sick of watering dead flowers

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